Message To My People ~ The Prophets Do Speak
Message To My People ~          The Prophets Do Speak 

         WHEN I FALL                                                                  (Mt 28:20)

   May God bless you.  I have so many testimonies to share with you that it would take to write twenty books or more.  But I just want to speak on something that happened to me yesterday. And like always the Lord teaches me many things in my garden or patio. In the past I had kill many serpents in my garden. 

   But yesterday there was a small bird.  He had fallen right there in my patio.  Well, I told my husband let him, because maybe the mother had left him there.  He was so beautiful, yellow, and when I came out again to the patio, he had died.  And the Lord had me, well I just buried him there in the patio.   Then the Lord spoke to me saying, if he watches the fowls of the air, he is going to watch over me also.  He had me there to bury him.  And likewise the Lord is going to put me (bury), and he is going to supply everything I am lacking.  Not only material things, because I’m about to depart from this world.  But yes all spiritual things.  And what this little bird taught me is that I have to be prepared for that time when I fall (die).  That time when I fall (die), I have to be ready for the New Jerusalem.  And that I have to follow the example of all my pastors that have gone on already.  Like our senior pastor use to say, those that have departed, because those that are yet alive we don’t know if they will fail.  For these lives that, those that died, we know for sure they are in Mt Zion.  So I want just the same as the little bird, there be someone to bury me.  Because my husband always said he is going to cremate me, but I said to him I have to be bury.  I hope for just the same as the little bird, I may see that hand that’s going to put me under the ground.  Amen, may God bless you.


This testimony belongs to a sister from a local church.   


Commentary by bro. Nelson Cintron:  


   The sister said in her testimony, that time ‘when I fall (die)’, she was referring to when she die.  Like the little bird, we have seen how the birds tend to fall when they going to died.  The time to fall (die) has no sure date.  But yes, God has an appointed date for all human beings.  For every faithful believer is of great importance how is our spiritual lives the moment of our departure.  She said the Lord is going to supply every one of her needs.  That one special need was to be ready to enter that Holy City.  The bible says, and there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, nor maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life’ (Rev 21:27).  Dear participant, the bible reference speaks of defilements, this speaks about sin.  God loves mankind and does not desire the death of the sinner.  The apostle John by the Holy Ghost said, ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness’ (1Jn 1:9).           


   This verse also speaks of having your name written in the Lambs Book of Life The bible tells us how we can have our name written in the Lambs Book of Life.  It tells us to believe that Jesus died on the cross of Calvary for us, to receive him as Lord and Savior and be baptized.  By doing this he writes your name in the Book of life.  We also have some promises made by God to make us ready, and to be able to enter the Holy City.  One promise is, ‘But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus’ (Phil 4:19).  This supply is materially and spiritually.  Another promise made by Jesus is when he said at the Cross of Calvary, ‘It is finished’ (Jn 19:30).  The work of redemption was finished and all the blessings and entrance to the Kingdom of Heavens was provided for.  Even our perfection as it is said, ‘For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified’ (Heb 10:14).  That offering was the sacrifice of his body and his blood at the cross of Calvary.  When we believe and not doubt in his redemptive work, that faith in his blood gives us confidence, it will perfect us, and gives us entrance to his Holy City, Mt Zion and New Jerusalem.  Our sister said she desired that hand of security to bury her when it is her last day.  The Lord gives us confidence on our last day when he said, ‘……. I’ am with you always, even unto the end of the world (Mt 28:20).


   Yes dear reader that door of the Holy City can be open for you today, don’t live it for tomorrow.  There is nothing sure for tomorrow, but with Jesus your soul will be kept safe.  Cleanse yourself from all sin; the blood of Jesus the Savior can cleanse you.  He will write your name in the book of life.  His holy hands will take you in the day that you fall (die), just like the little bird in the testimony, and he will take you to your resting place at the end of your life.  May God bless you.     


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                                                 In the Lord

                                                   Bro. Nelson Cintron



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