Message To My People ~ The Prophets Do Speak
Message To My People ~          The Prophets Do Speak 


                                               We at Message to my people ~ The prophets do speak, are very much concern how our viewers are login to our page.  We want to give our participants the most clean and pure website possible 

a faith and family oriented site.  We do our best to present a page free from improper images and corrupt language.  There are other websites that are trying to gain from our work, using our name and materials to promote themselves.  We counsel our participants to use caution when login.  For best result log in direct, avoid search engines and misleading sites with similar names.


   Some may look the same, but they are not our page.  Our home page is unique and so our banner.  Our home page is the first page that will show on your screen, if it doesn’t you are in the wrong website.  Our page is titled Message to my people ~ The prophets do speak.  Our web address is, when you have log in the second part of the title, The prophets do speak must also appear.  Please share this information with all participants, thank you.


                                                                                              In.the.lord                                                                            Bro Nelson Cintron                                                              Posted 3/30/18                     





If you would like to know more about our purpose, please request from our list of articles to be mailed or emailed to you.  You may also subscribe to our periodical email campaign.  Just add your requests to our form in the Contact Us page.

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© Nelson Cintron