Message To My People ~ The Prophets Do Speak
Message To My People ~          The Prophets Do Speak 

The  Antichrist

(Mt 10:33)

   I think I told you one dream I had, or a couple of dreams when I was a young Christian. For those that weren’t here I’ll

tell it one more time.  It shows my own failure, but I also saw the goodness of the Lord.  I was a new Christian, just saved a few weeks.  This happen in the Washington D.C. area, they were teaching about the Antichrist.  After I got saved, I had a dream.  In the dream, I felt a gun put up against my head.  I couldn’t see the person, but I realized it was the Antichrist.  He said to me one thing, ‘I want one word from you, either yes or no’.  I felt the bolt click back preparing to fire, he ask the question, ‘Do you love Jesus’.  I knew I was either going to live or die with that one word.  From my interior it was coming out that word.  Before it was coming out of my lips I woke up.

   That one word was no, no.  See in my own selfishness weakness, I was going to deny the Lord, and save my life, and follow the antichrist.  When I woke up, I sat in the bed and felt so seek.  I felt unclean and evil and felt so bad.  Although I haven’t spoken the word, I knew in the dream what word was coming out.  I didn’t know what to say to God, I felt so bad.  I felt back on the bad and felt asleep again.  And the same dream came, and a gun was in back of my head.  And he said, I want one answer, one word. ‘Do you love Jesus’, and then somehow in the dream. I was looking at myself on the floor kneeling and seeing the barrel of that gun.  I still could not see the antichrist, but I knew it was him.  But what happen was, a hand was put on my shoulder and I saw him, he was dressed in a robe and I knew it was Jesus.  I couldn’t see his face because I was looking from behind, and he pushed me out of the way and he knelt down and put his head against that barrel, and like that I woke. 

   I have been depressed a few moments before, but after that dream, (the second one).  I said thank you Jesus, you still love me and you die for me to make me your child, hallelujah.  So that dream impacted my life.  I was a failure, I was going to deny the Lord, but Jesus still loved me.  I want to tell everyone here today.  That same Jesus still loves you and he died for you on the cross.  That realization can deliver us from death and destruction and condemnation.  So that Day of  Judgment would be a day of receiving rewards, and crowns and glory and honor.  That’s what he wants for you.  Hallelujah, only good things on The Day of Judgment.  That’s what he wants for you and me, praise God.

This dream is from a local servant of God many years ago.

Commentary by Bro. Nelson Cintron:


   Dear brethren/participant, our Savior Jesus Christ warned us the antichrist was already manifesting himself when he said, ‘……for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me’. This same prince or spirit operates in the children of disobedience fighting and denying truth, the truth that Christ came into this world to set sinners free and that he is preparing a kingdom to rule and reign with his followers (Jn 14:1-3).  Many resist the revelation that he is the light of the world (Jn 8:12),  He is the perfect model of an obedient servant, he is the sinless man (1Jn 3:5), though he was in heavens full of glory took the form of men and humble himself and was willing to die on the cross. For this reason God exalted him and gave him a name over all names, to the end that all knees should bow in heaven, earth , and under the earth and confession of his name and Lordship of all things be made unto him and only him.  And that all men should follow in his footsteps (Phil 2:5-10).  He is the door to peace with God and the savior of our soul (Jn 10:9).  He is the only true and good shepherd, for only he shed his blood for us at the Cross of Calvary, by which through his blood made atonement for our sins and made us acceptable to God (Jn 10:11).  He is the resurrection and the life, a life in eternity free from condemnation and hell fire in the presence of God (Jn 11:25,26).  He is God’s gift to the fallen world, a world that was without hope and full of darkness (Jn 3:16).

  Jesus said to his disciples, Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my father which is in heaven.  But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven (Mt 10:32,33).  Denying the Lord before men or antichrist is giving up your hope of salvation, and securing yourself an eternity in the hells of fire.  For it is better to have not known the ways of righteousness which is of the Lord, for when we were dead in our sins he gave us new life through his Grace (2Pet 2:20,21).  St Paul exhorts us to put on the armor of God, to stand against the devices of the enemy.  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:11-17). 

   This   are   the  days  Jesus  spoke  about,  that   whosoever, false religions,  corrupt governments, secret institutions, family members, think they do God service  by  killing  you,   but  in  reality  are doing  the  works  of  Satan  and have  the  spirit  of the antichrist (Jn 16:2). 

The antichrist will show himself in various forms, as the executioner dressed in

assassins’   clothes,   a   religious   fanatic   with   a   head   covering   and  a   sword   ready   to   use   it   on   you,   a   government  official   dressed   in   a   suit   with   a   pad   and   pencil,   or 


simply    an    angry    family    member.   This   are   those   who   had   no   love   for   the   truth   and    are   destine   to   hell   fire (2Thess 2:10-12).

   Jesus said, ‘…….fear not them  which  kill  the body, but are not able to kill the soul:  but  rather fear him which is able to  destroy  both  soul  and body in hell (Mt 10:28).  He gave us a promise to keep us from the hour of temptation that we may not deny the Lord. His Grace  will  be  sufficient, let’s hold on firmly to it and to the crown (Rev 3:8,10-12,21).

  Dear brethren, receive this dream and words prayerfully. The day is far spent the Lord is coming soon and his reward is with him (Rev 22:12).

   Dear reader, if  you  never  repented  from  you sins,  and  accepted   Jesus   as   your   Lord   and savior.  We  invite  you  to  take   that   important step.  Or maybe you have gone backward in your walk with God.  We ask you to do  a  prayer  and invite him to  your  life  once  again.   Go  to  our contact page and connect with us.  We  will  pray with you that God may fill  you  with  the  joy  of salvation and prepare you for his soon coming.


                                          In the Lord                                                         Bro. Nelson  Cintron                                          01/29/15


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